Python – Specific Range Addition in List
Sometimes, while working with Python, we need to perform an edition in the Python list. And sometimes we need to perform this to a specific index range in it. This kind of application can have applications in many domains. Let us discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed....
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Python – Maximum of filtered Keys in dictionary
Sometimes while working with Python dictionaries, we might have a problem in which we require to just maximum the selective key values from the dictionary. This problem can occur in web development domain. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this problem can be solved....
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Python | Extract Score list of String
Sometimes, while programming we can have a problem in which we dedicate to each character of alphabets a particular score and then according to string, extract only those score for further computations. This can have application in gaming domain. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed....
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Python | Selective Merge list every Nth position
Sometimes, while working with Python list, we can come into a problem in which we need to perform merging in list. A simple merge of list is easier to perform. But sometimes, we need to handle variations in merge. One such can be merge one list with other at every Nth element. This particular problem can be faced in day-day programming and competitive programming. Let’s discuss certain way in which this task can be performed....
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Python | Find frequency of given character at every position in list of lists
Given a list of lists, the task is to find the frequency of a character at every position of sub-list in list of lists....
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Python Program for Find sum of Series with n-th term as n^2 – (n-1)^2
We are given an integer n and n-th term in a series as expressed below:...
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Python Program to check whether it is possible to make a divisible by 3 number using all digits in an array
Given an array of integers, the task is to find whether it’s possible to construct an integer using all the digits of these numbers such that it would be divisible by 3. If it is possible then print “Yes” and if not print “No”....
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Python List Comprehension With Two Lists
We are given two lists and our task is to show the implementation of list comprehension with those two lists. In this article, we will see how we can use list comprehension with two list in Python and perform various operations on them....
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Python Program to check if strings are rotations of each other or not
Given a string s1 and a string s2, write a snippet to say whether s2 is a rotation of s1? (eg given s1 = ABCD and s2 = CDAB, return true, given s1 = ABCD, and s2 = ACBD , return false) Algorithm: areRotations(str1, str2)...
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Python – Filter rows with Elements as Multiple of K
Given a Matrix, extract rows with elements multiple of K....
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Python – Index Value Summation List
To access the elements of lists, there are various methods. But sometimes we may require to access the element along with the index on which it is found and compute its summation, and for that, we may need to employ different strategies. This article discusses some of those strategies....
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Python | Find all possible substrings after deleting k characters
Given a string and an Integer k, write a Python program to find all possible substrings of the given string after deleting k characters. Examples:...
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